“Lovers In Theater” by Ohmmy3d

Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Remember your childhood crush or the boyfriend or girlfriend you were madly in love with in middle or high school? Some girls would doodle, making hearts with their boyfriend’s name and theirs’ inside each heart. What about the late night phone conversations until someone fell asleep during the call? Neither wanted to say goodnight first. “You hang up…no you hang up first.” You were really lucky if your boyfriend or girlfriend would sing to you on the phone. As an adult, you may not remember the specifics about any of the conversations but you remember being serenaded, many times and the long conversations. Surely, you remember thinking about your special love throughout the school day and the anticipation you felt while waiting to see him or her. How about the school dances? Those were the best! The chance to see your “Young Love♥” outside of class, in a gym with low lights and music! Just the thought of knowing you’re meeting your love at the lunch room or the locker at a certain time was exciting. Watching a movie in class or the auditorium was always fun and seeing the person at a talent show or a field trip was another bonus outside of the classroom.

How can this love feel so strong at such a young age? The attraction is unexplainable, yet a tremendous magnetic pull like no other and the love depth a young person cannot explain but yet, during this tender age all you know is, “You’re in ♥Love!!” You pick a favorite love song and daydream about the person when the song plays on the radio. Life is wonderful!

Childhood friends share a special bond; it’s common for the friends to grow up together and share the same bond as adults. Nor time or distance prevents childhood friends from reuniting but the romance may be short-lived as adults for some.

Image courtesy of t0zz at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Mark Banschick’s, MD, Facebook blog explores first love encounters and the possible outcomes; the article, “Like a Moth to a Flame,” mentions how Facebook provides the ability to search for those from our past. Research shows many people have the desire to reconnect with a past love or their first love. The acquaintance may not be a joyous occasion for all; some are successful and statistics show 1,087 divorce cases out of 5,436 cited extramarital affairs started from a social networking website. Banschick’s article also points out people yearn to revisit the first; whether it’s the first kiss, first intimate moment, or first love because the feeling of stepping into the known is strong and magnetic. Studies show the reconnections, which involved intimacy, social media connections, and infidelity; resulted in many marriages ending in divorce.

What about the pre-teen young love and infatuation? A love so pure, emotional and spiritual; a love sealed only with a kiss. According to Cal State Professor Helen Fisher; one doesn’t forget their first love. Fisher also states, “And if the timing is right and they come back, you can trigger that brain circuitry for romantic love almost instantly and be back in love again.” The professor also conducted a study at Cal State; it revealed former couples who meet up later in life and if both are single, there’s a 70 percent chance the couples will reunite and stay together.

Just Google articles on first love reconnections, a plethora of articles will appear. So many stories because it’s not uncommon for those who shared a love connection in the past to rekindle their flame later in life. Inside Edition online article, “Couple Marries 65 Years After Parents Forced Them To Call Off Their Engagement (Check out the video by clicking the article title!)” is a perfect example of how love will remain dormant until the love ones reconnect. Helen and Davy Moakes fell in love in college but Helen’s parents didn’t approve of Davy’s artist career and the couple broke up. Helen married three times and each ended with her being a widow; her daughter stepped in to help her mom find her true love and was influential in bringing the long lost loves together. Once the Moakes were in each other’s company, the couple attached and finally married.

Nancy Kalish, Ph.D., has conducted studies since 1993; interviewing couples who reunited after years of separation. Kalish’s Psychology Today article, “Teenagers in Love” mentions how strong an attraction can be amongst the adolescent. Parents may have forgotten about their first love experiences and those parents who tease their teenagers or disregard their feelings referring to the emotion as puppy love, could devastate the teen. A teenager could become suicidal over a breakup. We’ve heard “time will heal all wounds” but Dr. Kalish mentions it’s the love that survives and lies dormant. Ahhh the four letter word “♥LOVE♥”So what happens during this dormant season? Teenagers continue on with school, meeting new friends, and living life. However, as time passes, the wounds heal and the teenagers are now married adults; some with children. A song, an old television show, or perhaps the mind just drifts back in time; the thought of the long lost first love happens. Some may act on the trip down memory lane thoughts and search for their first love; looking at social media sites, just to get a glimpse of the person.

Research has shown the stats on first loves reconnecting; some not successful but yet there are many great endings. Despite the long lost time, some couples reunite and remain together. How does this happen? Kalish’s book, “The Lost Love Chronicles: Reunions and Memories of First Love” is filled with true love stories! Available here http://www.Lostlovers.com.

Image courtesy of jscreationzs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A first love or teenage love remains dormant; tucked away in a safe place and once the two reconnect the love awakens. In other words, the love ones “just pick up where they left off ” because the love remained between them. Think about the couples you know who were either high school sweethearts or friends and now are together. The couples who reconnected later in life, the imprint attraction is extraordinary; so immediate those around can’t understand it. But it’s simple, young love is very strong; the love♥ may go dormant but it lives on. So are you with your childhood love, high school or college sweetheart? If no, who’s your young LOVE that got away????????




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